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Seminar Quality Integrity: 3 oktober

Op woensdag 3 oktober organiseert VBP (Vereniging Biologische producenten en handel) in samenwerking met AFI (anti Fraud Initiative) het seminar Quality Integrity. Een afgevaardigde van The European Court of Auditors zal het onlangs verschenen rapport over de kwaliteit van de controle organisatie toelichten. Namens Skal zal Jan Wicher Krol ingaan op de samenwerking tussen de controle organisaties binnen EOCC. Ronald van Marlen van Ariza zal toelichten wat voor een impact fraude heeft op bedrijven en hoe zij hiermee omgaan. Jochen Neuendorff informeert u over QAC en Guenter Lach en Silke Bruns geven u hun visie op betrouwbare analyses door laboratoria.

Programma en details:

During this afternoon, presentations will be given about the quality and reliability of organic, the inspections and laboratories.

Date: 3 October 2012

Time: 13:00-18:00 p.m.

Where: NH Amersfoort, Stationsstraat 75 (near the train station)

Target group: Employees of organic trade and processing companies and inspectors of inspection/control bodies

Language: English

Costs: €125,00, VBP members €50,00

Organizers: VBP, the Dutch association on Organic traders and Wholesellers and AFI, the Anti Fraud Initiative in cooperation with the IFOAM EU Group.

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13:00-13:15 Welcome by Bionext/VBP and AFI

13:15-14:00 Guenter Lach and Silke Bruns, Lach & Bruns:
"Approach towards reliable analyses"

14.00 – 14.45 Jan Wicher Krol, Skal:

“The CB Skal and the cooperation within Eocc”

14.45 – 15.15 Short Break
15:15–16:00 Ronald van Marlen, Ariza: "How to deal with fraud cases"

16:00–16:45 Jochen Neuendorff, AFI/GFRS: "Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QAC) - an irregularity in organic farming?"

16:45–17:00 Short Break

17:00–17:45 Representative of European Court of Auditors: Special Report 9/2012: "Audit of the control system of organic products"

17:45–18:00 End of meeting

Voor meer informatie:

Bionext/ VBP Paulien Veerman [email protected]
AFI - Beate Huber [email protected]
AFI - Boudewijn van Elzakker [email protected]
AFI - Jochen Neuendorff [email protected]

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